In the second quarter of last year 2021, having confirmed the news of the journey of nine months has been set in motion, the next on mind after the euphoria that occasioned the news, is registration for Ante Natal at a reputable government owned health care facilities, because I always have believe that government owned health centers have the competent hands.

Few days later we dashed in to one of the state owned health care center here in Akure.

Like the usual practice for expectant father, I accompanied my lovely wife on her first date to the health center for her Ante Natal. Where I was sitting in a relatively close distance, few of their words drops to my hearing. To me those words were strange and a bit worrisome for a novice like me. Oh! You say I don’t have job? Yes I have, don’t forget I work with DEEPEE SOLUTIONS INT’L, but was only excited to have such experience. Immediately my instincts told me something is wrong here, then the need to change health care center becomes compelling.

We got home safely that day, through out the night wasn’t having the peace of mind on the next line of action. The way and manner pregnant women were being treated and insulted at the government owned health care, is definitely not what I was going to encourage my wife to continue.

Finally the thought dropped like a drop of water. Sckyé Hospital came first on the list. The next morning we dashed down to the hospital, at Post office, Oba Adesida Road, Akure.

Getting there, at the sight of her the Nurses approach her with so much sense of care. “Ah! Iya ibeji, elepe”, e ro ra gbé se oooo”藍, amongst others pleasantries. I was like this is WOW! Amazing! But deep down the financial implications of what I was about venturing into running through my mind. Like “Omo this hospital will be costly ooo, with all the packagings, because I know something like this doesn’t come for free”. You know the thought of an average Nigerians when you see too much packaging. Lol! .

So, she collected card at a prescribed fee and registered for the Ante Natal. She was brush through their rules and date of meetings and thereafter we all went our ways.

Minutes after minutes, hours after hours, days after days, weeks after weeks she never missed any of the Ante Natal meetings. Sometimes she will come home narrating how hospitable the nurses and staff are to their patients, infact she told me how the owner of the Hospital is so friendly with his staff, humble and humane. Yes you want to agree with me truly, if you have ever been to the hospital, that truly the founder of the Hospital is humility personified. No doubt about it!

So after several Ante Natal meetings and Scans, the EDD was finally getting closer and the shock of delivery expenses was rising.

Surprisingly labour came at the dead hour of the night. Before getting to the hospital in labour pain, my wife was soaked in her pool of tears, even me I wasn’t helping matter in trying to calm her down because I suggest the pain was too much.

Getting to the hospital the nurses received her with so much care and empathy and immediately requested for her baby loads (Érú Ómó), which we had dropped when the pregnancy was 7month old. I guess is one of the policies of the hospital. Infact it a wonderful life saving policy.

She was ushered in to the labour room in the morning after several hours of examination by the Doctors, I was pacing around just like we do see in the movies as nurses were moving in and out of the labour room.

I was already becoming a baby, as tension on me was so high. If you have ever experienced this you will understand what am talking about.

At about past 10:00am in the morning, the good news find its way to my family as to the arrival of a wonderful baby boy. Amazing! Glory To God Almighty.

Still basking in the euphoria of the news, I walked up to the Chief Matron expecting my bills, and guess what?

It was totally Free. I couldn’t hear the Matron well, she had to repeat her self, like “sir you don’t have to pay for the delivery, is it free”. Me: “You mean free”? Immediately I change my dancing steps. LoL . This is too good to believe. The SCKYÉ HOSPITAL, you don’t know! And the second day we were discharged.

Apart from the care, respect and love showered of their patients, Sckyé Hospital simplify Pregnancy and Delivery. Infact it’s a ticket to having more pregnancy…

You want care, affection, quality Ante Natal knowledge and a place for safe delivery, trust me Sckyé Hospital should be the Best option that comes to mind. Despite their free delivery for pregnant women, their services is topnotch and humane in nature… Wonderful place!

Talking of beautiful ambiance that will give you rest of mind, that you are in a safe place to hard working and friendly Doctors and Nurses, there’s no gainsaying that SCKYÉ HOSPITAL LTD, is the best private hospital in Akure if not in Ondo State. What an Hospital!

This narrative won’t be completed without thanking the founder Dr Thomas Wilson Ikubese, for allowing himself to be used by God to establish such an amazing facility for humanity. Your life style and activities per time daily explains that humanity is everything.
Thank you so much.


Thanks to God, I never regretted opting for Sckyé Hospital, in the first place. 



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