Ondo APC primary: Akinterinwa, Oke attack Gov. Ododo, say ‘He is a product of electoral fraud’


The Wale Akinterinwa Campaign Organisation wishes to put on record our observations of the show of shame put on display today, Saturday, April 20, 2024, by the election committee for the Ondo state governorship primary election.

It has become very important for us to speak lest the people, party leaders, and the general public are deceived by the Governor, Usman Ododo-led committee that an election was held to select the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ondo state.

Without any fear of contradiction, we state here that no election was held in any part of Ondo State on Saturday to elect the candidate of the APC. It is on record with incontrovertible evidence that nothing in the semblance of a primary election was held in all the 203 wards in Ondo state. At best, what can be said to have happened was that the committee chairman, Governor Ododo, arrived in the state at about 8am on Saturday to write the result of an election that was never conducted.

Saturday’s election presented our dear party with a rare opportunity to endear itself to the people of the state. All that was needed was for us to organise an election that would be hailed by all, even the opposition. But we bungled the opportunity with the sham organised by the electoral committee.

The people have eyes and they can see. But on Saturday, they did not see any part of the state where electoral committee members counted the votes as expected. Rather, what they witnessed was a crowd of our enthusiastic supporters who stood in the sun for several hours waiting for the elusive electoral officers to turn up. But we dashed their hopes and expectations of a robust democratic engagement.

It is also noteworthy to state that on Friday, April 19, 2024, the secretary of the committee, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, who stood in for Governor Usman Ododo at the stakeholders’ meeting had assured all the aspirants and other stakeholders that all the guidelines put in place to ensure the integrity and smooth conduct of the nomination exercise would be followed to the letter.

But it was not surprising that what Governor Ododo did on Saturday was far distant from what was promised. However, what was surprising was the audacity and the indecent manner the election committee actualised its plot, which was scripted and directed to favour a particular candidate.

For them, a little display of decency by allowing the 203 wards’ election committees to pretend to do their job was a sheer waste of their precious time. Never before in the history of the APC have we witnessed anything close to what was put on display on Saturday.

Saturday’s sham election will probably go down as one of the most controversial primary elections ever conducted by our party. The supportive and hardworking members of the APC were robbed and made to understand or believe that their votes do not count.

While we are still trying to process the shameful manipulation and fraud that attended this election, it remains a huge and difficult task to understand why the electoral committee was in such a hurry to conclude and announce their candidate as the winner.

However, we greet the resilience of our supporters across the 203 electoral wards in the state who forsook their farms, trades, and other matters to queue in the sun till well after 3 pm. Be rest assured that your effort is noted and your sweat has not gone in vain.

We, therefore most respectfully appeal to all our supporters to remain calm and peaceful, law-abiding, and conduct themselves most responsibly while we explore legal and democratic ways to register our grievances. We assure you that our principal, Wale Akinterinwa remains absolutely undaunted and deeply committed to the tenets of democracy.

Let the world know that this is not about Wale Akinterinwa. It is our contribution to deepen democracy and for a better life for our people. It is about the future of our state.

Thank you


Segun Ajiboye

Wale Akinterinwa Campaign Organisation.



The Olusola Oke Campaign Organisation will like to point attention to the attempt of the Usman Ododo-led primary election committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC) to give an impression that it conducted a credible governorship nomination exercise in Ondo state on Saturday.

This attempt is the purported rescheduling of the so-called primary election in Okitipupa Local Government Area of the state. Our question is that how can a primary election that did not take place anywhere in the state be rescheduled in one of the 18 local government areas? We consider this as a shameful attempt to give the sham a stamp of credibility.

We also see it as an insult to the sensibilities and religion of the people of Okitipupa Local Government Area to slate an election for 12:00 noon on Sunday. The local government area is predominantly populated by Christians and they will be in church at the time the exercise will be taking place. This decision is also reflective of how they disenfranchised members of our party across the State on Saturday, April 20, 2024.

Ododo has been reported to have hailed the travesty of democracy that the disgraceful action of his primary election team represents. This is not unexpected of the governor. This is because Ododo is a product of electoral frauds; a fact known to the whole world.

Why would Ododo not applaud a so-called nomination exercise that was characterised by violence, intimidation and fraudulent practices, all of which were what paved his way to the seat of Kogi state governor? It is a well-known fact that his election as governor was hallmarked by sorrow, tears and blood of the people of Kogi state.

Ododo is a character that lacks democratic credentials and a sense of decency. We wonder why the national body of our party gave a sensitive assignment such as the conduct of the governorship primary election in Ondo state to a fellow who does not appreciate democratic principles.

We insist that what happened in Ondo state yesterday was a disheartening mockery of democracy. As a result, our party has become a boot of jokes in the hands of the opposition parties and the people of the state.

We will like to categorically state that the Kogi governor cannot impose a candidate on our party members, through a shambolic exercise. It is unacceptable to us.

Ojo Oyewamide
Spokesperson, Olusola Oke Campaign Organisation
April 20, 2024.

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