Open Letter to Akoko Rep, Hon. Ade Adeogun over Controversial Facebook Post

An Open Letter to Hon. Adejoro Adeogun, member representing Akoko South East/Akoko South West Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, by Bashorun Adefemi Joseph

Dear Honourable, greetings and top of the day to you. I would have preferred and loved to talk to you in private but I know that I may not have a chance of ever getting that privilege.

Sir, I have opted for this open communication against my wish because as a stakeholder in the Social Contract between you and the good people of Akoko South East/Akoko South West Federal Constituency whose popular mandate you have been exercising since 2019 election because the time it would take to go through the protocol of getting an appointment with you would probably have made my effort belated.

I could, of course, have taken my chance and found a way of barging into you at one of the social and political functions, which you attend, but I will not have dared.Ordinarily, I ought not to have resorted to washing a ‘dirty linen’ in public.

However, I am constrained by the absence of a better opportunity or forum for a non-partisan active electorate like me to have an audience with you due to the exigencies of your office, tight schedule coupled with bureaucratic bottleneck and protocol arrangement that usually fence off elected state functionaries of your status.

In the light of this, I wish to be understood in the circumstance I have found myself.The major point I wish to address here is the issue between you and one of your constituents, Oteruku Sunday, which has been trending on social media platforms for two days now. Supposedly, you were alleged to have openly called him a lunatic while reacting to his comment on your Facebook wall.

In one of those posts, a screenshot of your supposed comment about him which reads, ‘Oteruku Sunday, I challenge you to publish the facts you claim you have. You very well know that I have been tolerant of your lunacy but bringing it to my space is provocative and a step too far’ was attached.

You went further to say, ‘If you have mental issues those who are close to you should take you to a shrink before you go naked in the market’. I have refused to believe that these statements were actually made by you. I am of the view that probably your Facebook account had been compromised. In my curiosity, I checked your Facebook page to view the said comment myself but it appeared it had been deleted or pulled down.

However, the strong defence put up by your social media supporters immediately it surfaced online seemed to have cleared my doubt.It is, therefore, important to clear the air on this issue because of the colossal damage it could have on your image as a political office holder who currently enjoys the mandate of the people as no one would have expected such demeaning act from an ‘Honourable’ member of the National Assembly.

Dear Honourable, the Ayegunle/Iwaro-Oka road that is undergoing rehabilitation at the moment is another issue that has been generating a lot of controversies and exchange of words amongst your constituents particularly those who are active in the social media space as to who actually facilitated its rehabilitation.

This is the crux of the matter between you and Oteruku Sunday. Sir, I want to humbly implore you to publicly make clarifications on this so that the dust being raised by these lingering claims and counter-claims will be allowed to settle permanently.Thank you Honourable for your reading pleasure.

Bashorun Adefemi Joseph writes from Oka-Akoko, Ondo State.

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