Akeredolu reacts to Appeal Courts Verdict, woos Jegede

Press Statement

Appeal Court Verdict:
It’s Yet Another Time To Join Me, Take Ondo To Higher Heights-Akeredolu tells Jegede

The Appeal Court has just a while ago, delivered a landmark judgement affirming my election as the duly-elected governor of Ondo State alongside my deputy, Hon. Lucky Orimisan Aiyedatiwa.

Understandably, many had waited in animated breaths for the outcome of this case which commenced from the lower Tribunal to this extent. This is a permissible venture in clearly inoffensive exercise of the rights of litigants. No grudges against any in this regard.

All have seen the scholarly industry infused into this judicial exercise by the most venerable Honourable Appeal Court of eminent Jurists. The issues examined and conclusions reached have further enriched our Nation’s Jurisprudence, no doubt.

The outcome notwithstanding, the verdict of the Honourable Appeal Court is yet another great opportunity for my brother, colleague and friend, Eyitayo Jegede, SAN to join me in the greater task of taking Ondo State to loftier and higher heights.

The responsibility of leadership such as that reposed in me is tasking and can only be of immense benefit to all if we set aside politics for the common goal. This collective, bi-partisan effort and approach is more desirable now, than anyone can imagine. We have all won together, and together must we develop our dear State.


Governor, Ondo State

June 16, 2021

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