Ondo HoS unveils multi-million naira PTA Edifice at Federal School, Idoani

By: Adeboye Ado

The Ondo State Head of Service, Pastor John Adeyemo, has commissioned a multi-million naira staff quarters, reconstructed pavilion, built by the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) of Federal Government College, Idoani in Ose Local Government Area of the State.

Speaking at the inauguration of the edifice, Pastor Niran Adeyemo, commended the PTA executives for face-lifting the citadel of learning through developmental projects. He described the building as laudable and worth amplifying.

Pastor Adeyemo who was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Ondo State Scholarship Board, Comrade Folayemi Joshua, said the assiduous efforts of the PTA executives was crucial to the rejuvenation of the education sector.

He explained that since the unfavourable prevailing economic condition keeps deteriorating, hence, timely intervention from private sector was indispensable.

The HoS urged the PTA executives not to relent in their spirited gesture aimed at building the nation.

Adeyemo commended the creativity and positive contributions of the PTA Executives led by Comrade Gideon Olusola Bakare for the huge impact on the education sector of the state with the execution of the project.

Earlier, the PTA Chairman, Comrade Gideon Olusola Bakare, in his speech, stated that the projects became imperative as teachers and students need conducive environment in order to aid quality education.

Bakare further said, “although we commenced the building in first term 2019/2020 academic session, but we were confronted with astronomical price of building materials which slowed down the pace of the work”.

“Projects were presented before the house by the constituted Project Advisory Committee members, after much deliberation a staff quarters was opted for”

“To the good spirited parents, guardians and staff, your cooperation made it possible to lend hands of supports to the college in different areas”, he concluded.

On her own part, the Principal of the college, Okaliwe Eno Jane, extolled the PTA for eliminating structural defects in the citadel of learning.

The bureaucrat confidently said the tenure of the outgoing executives ushered tranquility and rapid growth of the college.

She, however, called for incessant harmonious relationship between the PTA and the Unity School.

Many parents, labour leaders and top government’s functionaries including the Ondo state Chairman of Trade Union Congress (TUC), Comrade Helen Odofin attended the colourful event.

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