Ondo Workers’ salaries delay amidst Bailout expectation

Reasons for the delay in the payment of salaries have been revealed.

SUNSHINETRUTH gathered that the Joint Negotiating Council, JNC and the Trade Union Congress, TUC online news bulletin were circulated through social media to appeal to its members to exercise patience over the issue of salary payment.

Below is the full text of the JNC & TUC bulletin;


Considering the inflow for the month of June 2021 as confirmed from FAAC allocation, and the expectation of government on the N18.2b bail out from federal government to be paid in six(6) tranches for the period of six months; the Joint Negotiation Council resolved as follows:

i) that the State Govt should fastrack the receipt of two tranches out of the bail out on or before ending of December 2021;

ii) that the State Government should ensure payment of three months salary while workers will wait for a while;

iii) the Council use this medium to appeal to all members on the pain that may occur within the period of waiting, we only believe in waiting to get something good from the government in the festive period.

JNC Bureau of Information (November 25, 2021)

The government of Ondo State through the Head of Service on 24th of November, 2021 invited leaders of TUC and NLC with the JNC also in attendance.

Also in attendance was the Special Adviser to Mr Governor on Union Matters and Special Duties.

The meeting was basically to appeal to the workforce to exercise patience on the issue of payment of salary.

According to them, the State has received allocation for the month but does not want to pay due to the fact that it cannot pay reasonable percentage. They expressed hope that government will soon receive the approved bail out to States latest before mid December.

They expressed the desire of government to pay nothing less than two Salaries that will be more than 100 percent.

They also explained that the bail out will not get to the States in lump sum, therefore people should drop the rumour of receiving the whole money at once.

They assured workers of the desire of government to end percentage salary going forward.

On the side of labour, it was emphatic that government must do all within its powers to end the suffering of workers by making good use of the opportunity of the bail out and other incomes of government because the economy of the State rests mainly with the workers.

On the side of the TUC, we are using this medium to appeal to all of us to be calm while assuring us that within the said period, we shall all smile.


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