By Sola Ajisafe, Esq

” Imado iba se bi elede abaluje, eru iba j’oba, ko ni ku eni kankan”.
According to Prof. Wole Soyinka, the Yoruba language is too deep for any English translation to aptly capture the essence of it’s words, talk less of it’s rich philosophical proverbs. In order to achieve any meaning, you only try as best as you can. As it is usually said on the street ” understanding lo matter”.
In one of my writings some years ago, I sought the help of the thespian Tomogun Olubunmi from Irun Akoko to help translate to English the above proverb. He came up with an explanation rather than a translation. According to him an Imado ( Warthog) is the opposite of the local Elede (Pig). While the Warthog lives in the bush, the Pig lives with human beings in their various communities. The Warthog is a very destructive animal and it’s activities do not conform with societal values. On its part, the Pig has been domesticated and had passed through a level of aculturisation, hence, it conforms to societal practices, at least better than it’s counterpart from the bush.
In an attempt to behave like the Pig, if given the chance to live among the people, the result would be an unmitigated disaster, regressive and regrettable. Also, the other part of the proverb says, if a slave becomes the King by any happenstance or arrangement, the concomitant effect of it will be disaster, disappointment, gnashing of teeth, destruction and death. This is what Ondo State is currently facing with the emergence of Hon. Lucky Orimisan Ayedatiwa as the Governor of Ondo State.
I have painstakingly read all the arrows flying around since the G-5(6), came up with their letter from the Green Chamber. Only a fool will deny that most of what they said in the letter are untrue. On Adelami, every Owo man knew what happened before the primaries. I have spoken to the leaders of the two camps involved in the near death carnage. I also know ( without talking to him) that Hon. Adelegbe, during the period was angling for a return to the House of Representatives. His ambition was not separated from that of Aketi. If Aketi failed to get a second term, his second term ambition is dead before it takes off. So, he definitely had an idea of those who weaponised Owo to unseat his benefactor. If a man of such becomes the Deputy Governor, the story cannot be hidden too much even when it is a fact on the street of Owo and the security agencies cannot deny the fact. But it is what it is.
I also, agree that better sense prevailed and Adelani handed over his campaign office and ” structure” to Aketi. The day it happened, I was the compere as usual. To also say that Adelani went to the 18 local governments with Aketi or did a rally for him as some people are suggesting through a viral video is a lie from hell. I was the Master of Ceremony for all the campaigns and by virtue of my political engagement, I know the who is who in APC in Ondo State. I have a way of recognizing people or bringing them to the podium to speak or “show” themselves even when local political situations or calculations demand the opposite. I always insisted and usually have my way. If not for anyone, Apata and Hon. Bola Ilori are very good examples.
It is another fool that will say, the Abuja “activists” were wrong when they said Ayedatiwa is married to anything and anyone that is against Aketi and his interests. For instance, of the Commissioner nominees, only two of them Olamide Falana and Niyi Oyeniyi appointed by Aketi did not openly oppose him while he was sick. But they have strong relationship with those against Aketi. One, as a beneficiary and the other as a sponsor. Out of the Special Advisers, which of them is not openly opposed to Aketi in his lifetime? Everyone knew that they have an axe to grind with Aketi. They fought his known supporters, his family and government to a stand still. They blackmailed his appointees and his government heavily.
Currently, there are more “aliens” and anti- APC ( Aketi) elements working and advising Ayedatiwa than Aketi had in his almost seven (7) years leadership of the party and the government. Is it not a fact that a man who had spent less than four years in APC asked the Chairman of the party to resign in the presence of the Governor? What level of irresponsibility or insult could be more than that? Aside from Gbenga Omole, is it not a fact that core APC or Team Aketi had lost out completely in the configuration of Ayedatiwa government as it presently stands? What better way to spite Aketi and APC members that the presence of John Paul Akinduro as the Chief Press Secretary to Ayedatiwa attached to the office of the Deputy Governor. Where is that coming from or in compensation for what and for who? Haba! Those who do not know the guy should read the story of Akinjo becoming the NDDC Commissioner for Ondo State. How on earth can Ayedatiwa and his minders defend the nomination and screening of Kayode Ajulo as Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice in an APC government in Ondo State? Anyway few people saw this coming and said it long time ago. We said these people were not fighting Aketi and his government for the benefit of Ondo State people, but as a back-end route into the government of Ondo State. Here we are now.
Going forward, reading the letter from Hon Makinde, MHR in opposition to that of the G-5(6), one can see the truth and the lies by the writer. It was a fact that the Cacus was silent and lost their voice when things were hot in Ondo State and the current Governor was in a hurry to see the end of his Oga which eventually happened. It was also true that they never visited the family after his demise as a group. It was also true that many of the Abuja later day activists were deaf and dumb during the Aketi travails. A man like Adelegbe who could not have gotten to Abuja in the first place or have a second term was the first to betray Aketi and his family.
It was also true that Makinde himself, a beneficiary of Aketi’s benevolence of a second term kept quiet during this period and supported Ayedatiwa at the back against Aketi. It was true that he had led a delegation of “Ekimogun Endorsers” to Ayedatiwa where they were promised mouth watering assistance for Ondo Egin. A one billion Naira rainfall had been dropped at UNIMED , Ondo for infrastructure improvement. It would seem everything that Aketi did in the University had paled into insignificance.
Is it not a fact that, the war song among these later day Ayedatiwa lovers is to bring down the political seuzerainity of a Deaconess and a Jagaban of Ondo State in Ondo West APC for the advantage of the opposing group been spearheaded by Jibayo Adeyeye? Is it not a fact that Hon. Makinde himself is a Director General of Ayedatiwa in Ondo? If this is true, why is he blowing those of others out of proportion even when some of the assertions a blatantly untrue and off the mark?
Makinde played a fast one on himself when he spoke about the 35% palliative payment. Ayedatiwa cannot swear that he was not aware this monies had been signed by Aketi and scheduled for payment at the time it was paid. It was part of the financial engineering put on ground by the Ministry of Finance which had worked so far bringing Ondo State to a State of relative financial stability. Payment of this money started in November, 2023. At this period Aketi was defacto and dejure ( in law and in fact) the Governor of Ondo State.
As if Aketi knew he would not make it, he had painstakingly under excruciating pain signed many financial commitments for the benefit of his people in Ondo State particularly the workers and the pensioners. But what did he get? Rasak Obe another ” alien” to APC falsely alleged that the Governor’s signatures was forged. Despite the denial by the Governor and the government, these hysterics and the Deputy Governor continued to pillory, harass and embarrass the Governor, his family, his appointees, his government and the people of Ondo State with their false narratives until Aketi breath his last. Even after his death, the ” game is still on”.
Imado (Warthog) is not deaf neither is an Eru ( Slave) blind. Also, an Imado is not destructive because it wanted to be but because it was born with it. It is in it’s gene and alcultured to it. Also, an Eru (Slave) is not just an ingrate, a betrayer or a killer because it is an Eru. He is like that because he chooses to be like that. He is power drunk and power hungry. An Eru has the capacity and propensity to pay good with evil. To destroy something that it met in a near perfect position. An Eru is in the habit of coveting the position or status of his master. Such an Eru will blackmail and destroy anything on its way to get to power.
On this matter, my advise to our Governor is to look carefully and study the situation as it unfolds. The symphony the Orchestra from the National Assembly is playing is not without the understanding of the eminent trio from the Red Chamber. It would be naive for Mr. Governor to think both the national headquarters of the party and the Villa are immuned or deaf to these rumblings. It is a statement that is clear and straightforward.
Unknown to Mr Governor, he was given the chance to make his political dance steps for them to see if he has all it takes to lead a complex and strategic State like Ondo State. But he showed his hand that he does not posses what it takes. His weakness is exercerbated by The quality and character of persons he had packed around himself. The quality and credibility of his appointments have shown that …Aye-o-da-ti- won, simply because (nitori), ko derun rara o.
- Sola Ajisafe is a strong member of APC.