2024 guber race: Ondo Women lock down Akure for APC Aspirant, Wale Akinterinwa

Hundreds of women from the eighteen local governments areas of Ondo state on saturday stormed Akure, the capital city to stage a walk in support of Mr Wale Akinterinwa, one of the governorship aspirants under the platform of the All Progressives Congress, APC ahead of the party’s primary election next month.

The women who adorned different colours of Faz-cap branded with the popular Akinterinwa WA KAJOSE slogan took off from the popular democracy park along Adesida Road through Oyemekun road, chanting various songs in support of the APC aspirant.

They were resolute in their solidarity with the immediate past finance commissioner in Ondo state as they defied the scorching sun to walk the strech and canvass support for Wale Akinterinwa to pick the party’s ticket.

The walk which halted free flow of traffic for hours on the eyebrow of the capital city ended at Akinterinwa’s Campaign office at Ilesha Garage where another groups of women were waiting to join them.

It was a carnival like event at the campaign office when all the women converged and spoke glowingly about the track records of the governorship aspirant when he held sway as commissioner for finance in Ondo state.

Receiving the women, wife of the aspirant, Mrs Oluremi Akinterinwa who was visibly happy with the large turn out of the women appreciated their support for her husband promising that their effort would not go unrewarded.

She said “I feel happy, I feel impressed that Ondo women are out for my husband, he will not let you down, my husband appreciates the role of women in the society and in nation building and he’s ready to make life more meaningful for you if you support him to pick the APC ticket come April”

Mrs Akinterinwa described her husband as a good family man with passion for women and children promising that he would not disappoint them if given the opportunity to govern the state.

She explained that Mr Akinterinwa was passionate about Ondo state hence his decision to run for the governorship election in November.

Mrs Akinterinwa urged the women to return to their respective local governments and rally support for her husband to pick the APC governorship ticket so he could actualize his lofty dreams for Ondo state.

“Please go to your local government, wardsand streets, tell people about Wale Akinterinwa, he’s a man that values human beings, his passion for Ondo state is unmatched and he will not disappoint the people” Mrs Akinterinwa said.

The coordinator of the event, Mrs Oluwatoyin Adegbenro said the women decided to walk for Wale Akinterinwa to galvanise support for his ambition to become the next governor of Ondo state because of his track record as a three time finance commissioner in the state and his love for the development of women and children.

Mrs Adegbenro observed that Akinterinwa had displayed his love for family values hence the resolve of the women to queue behind him as the APC primary election approaches.

“The women understand that Wale Akinterinwa knows what family value is, he knows the home is crucial to the development of any society, once the home has no issues, you should be rest assured that the person governing the state will have no issues. What I’m saying in essence is this, if a man who aspires to be governor has a wife that knows peace, governing the state will be an easy ride because thinking straight won’t be an issue.

“But when you have a home with cat and dog, always fighting, the man will have that to contend with that first before thinking about governing the state. You can see Akinterinwa’s wife glowing, radiating peace of mind, we know that his coming will bring something different, we believe in him, we believe in his leadership and all that he stands for and we believe he will take Ondo state to eldorado” Adegbenro opined

Highpoint of the event was the presentation of cake and gifts to Mrs Akinterinwa as her birthday coincided with the event.

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