Reps member Adefiranye flags off road projects in Odigbo, Ileoluji, Okeigbo

Hon Festus Adefiranye, Member House of Representatives for Ileoluji/Okeigbo & Odigbo Federal Constituency, has officially flagged off a 4km road projects in Okeigbo, Ore, and Ileoluji! These vital infrastructure developments will significantly improve connectivity and enhance the overall well-being of the community.

The roads, strategically placed in selected areas, mark a commitment to uplifting the living standards of the constituents. Hon Festus Adefiranye expressed his dedication to further transformative initiatives, promising more impactful projects to come.

Hon Festus Adefiranye’s proactive approach is reinforced by the assurance from contractors, who have pledged to kickstart the construction immediately. This swift action reflects the collaborative efforts to accelerate progress and fulfill promises made to the community.

Community leaders, religious figures, politicians, and thrilled residents came together to laud the exceptional leadership qualities of Hon Festus Adefiranye. In Okeigbo, Ore, and Ileoluji, the air was filled with gratitude as each location hosted ceremonies to commemorate the commissioning of the 4km road projects.

Community leaders emphasized Hon Festus Adefiranye’s unwavering dedication to the welfare of the people. They commended his inclusivity, transparent governance, and tireless efforts to prioritize the needs of the constituency.

Religious leaders, in their expressions of gratitude, praised Hon Festus for embodying values that resonate with the community’s moral fabric. They highlighted his commitment to unity and the promotion of social harmony.

Politicians, both local and regional, acknowledged Hon Festus Adefiranye’s visionary leadership, citing the positive impact on the region’s development. His ability to collaborate across party lines for the greater good was a common theme in their remarks.

Excitement reverberated among the residents who eagerly anticipate the transformative changes these road projects will bring. Their heartfelt appreciation was a testament to the positive impact of Hon Festus Adefiranye’s governance.

The triumphant ceremonies held in Okeigbo, Ore, and Ileoluji underscored the unity and solidarity of the constituency. Hon Festus Adefiranye’s leadership is not just about infrastructure; it’s about fostering a sense of community and shared progress.

In a powerful moment during the ceremonies, Hon Festus Adefiranye utilized the platform to rally support for Hon Wale Akinterinwa, a former Commissioner of Finance in Ondo state (Ajangamo), an aspirant for the esteemed position of Ondo State Governor.

Addressing the enthusiastic crowd, Hon Festus emphasized the importance of continuity in visionary leadership for the overall development of the state.

“I urge you all to throw your weight behind Hon Wale Akinterinwa. His dedication to public service and commitment to progress align with our shared values. Let us unite for a stronger Ondo State,” declared Hon Festus Adefiranye, eliciting cheers and nods of agreement from the gathered crowd.

Among the distinguished attendees were Hon Tunji Fabiyi, MHA representing Odigbo 1, Oba Adetimehin, the Jegun of Ileoluji, and representatives from Olore in council led by Chief Odofin. The presence of Chief Fakorede,The Elemona of Okeigbo and chiefs in council, APC Party leaders from across the constituency, and security personnel (Police, DSS) added weight to the occasion.

SA Media And Publicity,
HON Festus Adefiranye.

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