Court’s Verdict: Chief Omotayo Jenyo Fatoyinbo remains Olu-Araromi In Akure North LGA —Deji of Akure insists



The attention of the Palace of the Deji of Akure Kingdom and the Araromi community in Akure North has been drawn to a misleading story and misrepresentation of court process as regards the traditional head of the Araromi Community.

The palace would have loved to refrain itself from responding to this needless outburst of lies and misrepresentation of facts but for the reason of setting the records straight so as to prevent innocent citizens and residents of Araromi community from falling into the antics of these wishful thinkers who decided to stand logic on its head as a way of confusing the unsuspecting public.

The palace wishes to state without fear of contradictions that there was NEVER any court order or judgment that removed the Olu of Araromi or prevented him from performing his statutory functions as the traditional head of Araromi community. It is pathetic that anyone will make such pseudo move to deceive the public.

Without mincing words, Chief Omotayo Jenyo Fatoyinbo was properly installed as the new Olu of Araromi by the Deji of Akure Land who is the only legally and traditionally recognized authority to appoint Olus in Akure North and South Local Government. It is imperative to say for the sake of emphasis that no traditional ruler in Akure North could challenge the authority in this regards.

Contrary to rumors being peddled around, Chief Jenyo Omotayo had only seek the order of the court for the discountenance of his earlier suit with suit No AK/401/2023 and reinstituted a new case with suit No AK/181/2024 challenging the Oloba of Oba-ile who had allegedly installed one Mr. Kole Abiodun as a quarter Chief in Araromi community of Akure North.

Interestingly, the new Olu of Araromi was never at any time suspended by the Deji of Akure, rather, rather, he was asked to stay action of certain decisions. This was sequel to a petition written by few disgruntled individuals. He had since resumed his full activities as the Head of the community following the lifting of the suspension after a thorough investigation by the State Government and the Palace of the Deji of Akure.

In another twist of events, the palace is in the receipt of an information that one Mr. Kole Abiodun had been parading himself as a Quarter Chief of Araromi. This is not only laughable but a criminal act that must not go unpunished. We urged the police and all security agents to quickly beam their searchlight on Mr. Kole Abiodun for this dubious and criminal act of impersonation. It is important to restate that Araromi had never being a quarter annexed to Oba-Ile or any other town as such. It is therefore worrisome that after the demise of the immediate past Olu of Araromi, Late Chief Olawale Isaac Omotayo, Mr. Abiodun could suddenly reduce the Araromi community to a quarter and wickedly annex it to another town.

For the avoidance of doubt, the late Olu of Araromi were among those who sought upgrading of its stool to a recognized chieftaincy before the Ajama Panel. It will be of interest to say that the Ajama panel approved the request of Araromi community by granting its request for upgrading.

It was however stepped down by the State Government. Howbeit, the community looks forward to another opportunity to present its request. How could such a community be reduced by an individual? It is either he is misinformed or he is being mischievous as such could only exists within the figment of his imagination.

On the other hand, we wish to also clarify that the tenure of the regent seize to exist on the assumption of a new Olu. Therefore, the former regent, Adela Asaolu should understand that tradition forbids her from intervening or meddling into the affairs of Araromi community which is now under the headship of Chief Omotayo Jenyo Fatoyinbo.

Without mincing words, the Araromi community under the leadership of Chief Omotayo Jenyo Fatoyinbo is very peaceful and those fanning the ember of discord should desist from such acts or face the wrath of the law.

Adeyeye Michael
Chief Press Secretary to the Deji of Akure Kingdom.
9th May, 2024

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